A confidently alluring mystique of a potion. Some would call it a trap. Enchanting, spellbinding, (Helen herself was quite a temptation.)
And her perfume the most intriguing and sensual sensation. With an opulent flourish of tuberose her spellbinding nature found a new dimension. One that sparkled for sure, with pink peppercorn to open the conversation, and mandarin that added a little more delicious juicy vitality into the equation. With jasmine she became ever more wide-eyed, sweet, captivating,(nobody at this stage could ever guess)

Almost innocent if you weren’t on your guard… but the innocence was only there to better hide her power. Hooked? You will be.
And once within her magic, caught in a silage of beguiling luxuriance, (creamy woods and cashmere) those under its spell are blissfully unaware. Addiction, it’s a curse.